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When registration opens for these events, you will find links here.  Members receive advance notice.

We provide quality continuing education through events and connect members with other professional development opportunities.

    • July 29, 2024
    • 12:00 PM
    • July 22, 2025
    • 12:00 PM
    • Washington State

    This is the start of the application process for Montessori School Verification. 

    • Once you have registered for the process you will be automatically emailed a digital copy of the Self-Study Manual and Form. Be sure to check your junk if you do not see this email soon.
    • Follow the instructions for completing and submitting the form and required documents.
    • You will be contacted to schedule a Verifier visit after your self-study and required documents have been reviewed by the Verification Chair. If your school is AMS accredited or AMI/USA recognized, you only need to complete the self-study and not have a visit from a verifier. 
    • After the visit the Verifier will submit a report to the Verification Committee for review and approval at the next (monthly) PNMA board meeting.
    The Montessori School Verification Committee Chair: Charmaine Johannes
    • May 17, 2025
    • 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM
    • Bellevue Montessori School, 11033 NE 24th, Bellevue WA 98004

    Spring Sharing Fair Vendor Registration

    PNMA teachers and members are looking forward to the vendor display showcase at our annual fair Saturday, May 17, 2025 at Bellevue Montessori School.

    Vendor booths will be open from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. providing  ample time for attendees to roam freely, to shop and tour the school.  We will have 2 ways for vendors to participate.

    Vendor Display of catalog and event specials with link to website for orders. You send us one catalog, any flyer and a raffle item valued at least $25.

    Vendor Showcase onsite. The cost is $59 for booth space, plus a donation of an item (minimum $25 value) for the door prize raffle.

    Read: Vendor Letter 2025 and use the code VEN517 to register online.  

    The school will open for vendor set-up at 7:30 AM.  Refreshments available during the day.

    Any vendor needing more time or space, please explain in your registration. Vendors will have more information and instructions provided from the school.  

    Unable to attend?  You can still make a donation to the door prize raffle and your company will be promoted at the event and on our website.

    • May 17, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • 11033 NE 24th St, Bellevue WA 98004

    Attend our Sharing Fair for networking and resources!

    Bellevue Montessori School  https://www.bellmontessori.com/

    SCHOOL OPEN 8 am to 12:30

    • Toddler, Early Childhood, & Elementary Classrooms open for touring in 4 buildings...site map will be available.
    • Check-in at the Entry 8:00-9:00 
    • Vendors open for shopping - See list below
    • 9:00, 10:00  &  11:00  Workshops - See list below
    • Morning Pastry / Beverage spread & Light Brunch while you tour the school
    • Noon Raffle of Vendor donations

    Join us for a local PINTS OF INTEREST following the Sharing Fair 

    Bellevue Brewing Company, 12190 NE District Wy, Bellevue WA 98005

    STARS Credits & Clock Hours available for all attendees.  

    REGISTRATION OPTIONS: https://www.pnma.org/event-5974501

    • PUBLIC registration open to all ($79)
    • PNMA or OMA Member ($49) 
    • Not a member yet?  JOIN US as an individual or school member.
    • Member Sharing a Lesson Unit  ($29)
    • ideas and notes on sharing lesson in details below

    Workshop Options of 30 to 45 minutes during three sessions:

    • 9:00-10:00  /  10:00-11:00  /  11:00-12:00
    • This list will be updated during workshop confirmations
    • Hands On Art (3 sessions) with Julie Karlonas aka Art 4 Montessori
    • Language lessons with cards for the Toddler classroom
    1. The Ocean Model with Animals
    2. Flower Replicas
    3. Language and Personality
    • Primary Team Presentations
    1. Enhancing Executive Function
    2. Montessori Bells
    3. Playing with States of Matter
    4. Cooking Science
    5. Movement all through the Day
    • The Hive Mind for Elementary - Open Dialogue
    1. Building Community in Lower El
    2. Great Leader Project and Extensions
    3. Thematic Approach to Teaching in Upper El
    • Practicing Mindfulness with Merrill Preece
    • Take a Breath with Heather Kindem
    • Make & Play Board Games with Allan Hirsch aka Alleyoop.us
    • Reaching All Montessori Curriculum with Stories with Gulsevin Kayihan

    Vendors at the Event - Open 9 - 12 (adding more as confirmed)

    • Art 4 Montessori - guides for lessons from Toddler through Elementary
    •  Loyola University with Greta Brueck
    • MEIPN with Chelle Downey-Magee
    • Paper Pie books with Nancy Grinsell

    PLUS: Vendor Display with catalogs and raffle items

    • Montessori Research and Development
    • Laughing Star Montessori with FREE pdf resources for all attendees
    • Maitri Learning
    • Transparent Classroom

    VENDOR REGISTRATION SITE: https://www.pnma.org/event-6087137


    • Register to Share a Lesson by using the Member/Sharing option. 
    • Your registration will be confirmed when the lesson plan is received. 
    • Email a copy of your lesson to membership@pnma.org no later than May 10.
    • Please bring 2 copies of the lesson you are sharing; one for display and one for our online event access.
    Let's help one another build our summer program curriculum by sharing lessons that pertain to summer.  Special art lessons, outdoor extensions, gardening, cooking and other summer focused practical life lessons can really add to our programs.
    • May 17, 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Bellevue Montessori School, 11033 NE 24th, Bellevue WA 98004


    PNMA invites you to lead a workshop to engage fellow Montessorians. Here’s an opportunity to share a demonstration on a subject you may be passionate about and have worked out into a presentation format. Let us hold space for you to explore and expand in your profession!

    This can be about sharing an interesting unit or program adaptation (i.e., special parental/family events) that you think others would benefit from. Also an in-school training that worked at your school and is ready to share is welcome on any topic. We look forward to delighting from your insight! 

    We are planning for a schedule of 9am, 10 am or 11 am for the workshops and designating either 30 minutes or 45 to 60 minutes for each presentation.  Shorter workshops may share an hour such as 10:00/10:30.

    Please use our short submission form to convey your entry for Saturday, May 17th.  A volunteer from our Event group will contact you to follow up on details and your questions.

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