Montessori Education is a career pathway that can guide professional growth of individuals inspired by the potential of every child and who recognize a method that serves every child.
Montessori education originated as a research based and documented method based on the natural development of children. The goals of Montessori education are to clear the path of development and maximize potential.
The path of Teacher education can serve the dedicated adult in the same spirit as the schools at many levels serve children.
The Montessori teacher is educated in the curriculum and design of Montessori classrooms. Credentials are gained at these levels:
IT: Infant Toddler
EC: Early Childhood
EL I or EL I- II: Elementary
SI or S I-II: Secondary
The Montessori assistant can start with introductory courses to have a foundation in classroom support and purposes of education and pursue a full credential when ready to seek a leadership position.
Visit a Montessori School to learn more about a fulfilling career. Explore the PNMA website to learn more about the Montessori Community.
Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education is the only accreditation recognized by the US Department of Education (since 1995).
The National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector is dedicated to bringing more publicly supported, fully implemented Montessori education to more families. NCMPS sponsors the Montessori Census, Teach Montessori and Montessori Public.
Association Montessori International has an established community in the United States to oversee school recognition.
International Montessori Council and the Montessori Foundation provide support and conferences for Montessori educators.
Center for Guided Montessori Studies provides complete teacher training for credentials and regularly scheduled seminars.
Available for Montessori Early Education courses in WA State. Many Community Colleges are growing ECE degree programs to address the increasing demand for early childhood education.
Washington Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board licenses Private Career Schools