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Preschool Previews and Ed Fairs 2016

PNMA represents our member schools with a booth at Education events for Parents. This is a booth to promote access to our Find A School page and our listed schools by email and website.  Parents also enjoy speaking with people who represent local schools and understand their search.

Our booth is hosted by volunteers from our member schools.  This is an opportunity to be out where parents are previewing schools to plan visits.  PNMA provides some booth displays and training for the event. To volunteer as your school rep with PNMA please Contact Us.

PNMA School Members volunteer to help host our booth at these events in the 2015-2016 Schoolyear:

Preschool Previews by ParentMap 

Lynnwood: 1/9/16 Cedar Valley Community School...Saturday, 1:00-4:00 pm

Bellevue: 1/14/16 The Jewish Day School...Thursday, 5:30-8:30 pm

Seattle: 1/23/16 SAFECO Field...Saturday, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Tacoma: 1/31/16 STAR Center...Sunday, 10:00 am-1:00 pm

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