Membership can be renewed year round. Active members receive reminders and an annual invoice to continue. This allows easy renewal AT THE SAME LEVEL OF MEMBERSHIP. If you need to change your level, like from a School Membership to an Individual Membership, please send us the explanation in an email to so we can change your invoice to the correct level.
School Members: We provide an option for a school member to set up additional memberships for other individuals at your school. When your membership is active you may also help a staff member join - please use their email address so each person has an individual profile.
CURRENT PNMA MEMBERS: to renew, log in with your same e-mail address and then "View Profile" to update your personal information. You may either renew at the same member level or change your level of membership. Each option has a button that will generate an invoice for your next year of membership. Please note: You may not start a new membership with the same e-mail address.
INTERNS have one year sponsored & upgrade to an Individual Membership.
MEMBERS may store your S.T.A.R.S.# in your member profile in a box, "My Stars #"
MEMBERS who list SCHOOL OR TEACHER ED CENTER: please complete school location & contact info for SCHOOL LISTINGS or TEACHER EDUCATION CENTER DIRECTORY.
We recommend one individual as the School or Center membership so there is one listing in the directory. All edits of that listing and advertising will be entered by that individual.
PNMA Volunteer Form: To volunteer, please send us this form. We invite our members to become active volunteers during the year. The PNMA Board is composed of very active volunteer members and we look forward to including members who wish to work with us on the goals of our organization. Many of our activities are listed on our Board Responsibility.